Paper fibre samples were individually stained using phloroglucinol and herzberg reagents. F acemounting techniques for contemporary photogr aphs and digital images, en 7 th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium, brisbane, pp. The accelerated light fading of iron gall inks in air, hypoxia and nearanoxia. The 9th aiccm book, paper and photograph materials symposium. Postconference workshop at the national museum, thursday and friday and 14 october. Aiccm book, paper and photographic material symposium.
Water content of latent fingerprints dispelling the myth. A comparison of artificial aging with 27 years of natural aging 2008 aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium, 2008, pp. It is well known, that some latent fingerprints deposited on paper can be revealed by heating to relatively low temperatures, perhaps 4060. The format of the symposium has been changed slightly from previous years to incorporate three topics we believe hold high interest within our group. Symposium on paper, books, and photographic materials. An exploration of the information which can be unearthed from the fragile bits of paper associated with the frame. Book and paper conservator at national library of australia. Act and region annual heritage partnership symposium 2016. The old paper mid 1800s was slightly more yellow and darker than new pith paper. Albertine hamilton paper conservator state library.
Shifting identities in nam june paiks installations, conference paper on the occasion of the meaning of materials. One of the artists in the show joe guymala, with two painted poles from 2016, both called lorrkkon story came to the united states for the first time for the shows opening. The symposium includes 25 papers, 5 workshops and 11 posters on all aspects of paper, book and photographic conservation. Mar 23, 2016 7th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium, 2012 68. In the early years of the 20th century russia was in a state of extraordinary intellectual. Aiccm symposium 2002, 1719 april, 2002, melbourne, australia australian institute for the conservation of cultural material melbourne 2002. The 8th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium, 7 may 2014 8. Aiccm paper, books and photographic materials special interest group, sydney, april, 2004, art gallery of nsw aiccm aiccm sydney 2004. Vidler, k 2018 caring for your personal book collection. History of european bookbinding pickwoad, london rare book summer school visitsconferences. A 3 days conference, aiccm book paper and photograph materials symposium is going to be held in canberra, australia from 10 oct 2019 to 12 oct 2019 focusing on paper and paper products product categories. Oct 15, 2016 the australian institute for the conservation of cultural materials aiccm is convening the book, paper and photograph symposium which is being hosted by the nga from 1012 october 2016. Following the symposium, workshops are being held in.
Early bird aiccm member registration is now closed. Aiccm book paper and photograph materials oct 2016, aiccm. Revisiting a survey of the michael abbott collection, state library victoria, emily keppel. These include major holdings of new zealand historic, modern and contemporary art, and outstanding works by maori and pacific island artists, as well as european painting, sculpture and print collections ranging in date from 76 to the present day. Editorial, albertine hamilton nineteenthcentury islamic manuscripts and printed books. In parallel, the nonreactive iron removal kinetics was investigated using the pseudo firstorder and secondorder kinetic models. Registrations to the 10 th book, paper and photographic materials symposium are now open. The aiccm book, paper and photograph materials symposium, organized by the australian institute for the conservation of cultural material aiccm will take place from 10th october to the 12th october 2016 at the national gallery of australia in canberra, australia. Conference full paper proceedings book 2nd international conference on applied economics and finance icoaef 2016 5 6 december, 2016 girne american university north cyprus. Staff publications, conference papers and presentations. Finally, next ica congress will be held in seoul, korea in september 2016 with the theme of archives, harmony, and friendship. Australian society of archivists national conference. Jones room for further excavation, cut with the kitchen knife, nets, melbourne 2012 ill.
Auckland art gallery toi o tamaki is the largest art institution in new zealand, with a collection numbering over 15,000 works. Please join us at melbourne museum for four days of conversation and presentations, tuesday 20 th to friday 23 rd november 2018. The australian institute for the conservation of cultural materials aiccm is convening the book, paper and photograph symposium which is being hosted by the nga from 1012 october 2016. Papers presented at the 2016 national symposium on technology in labor and employment law sponsored by technology in the practice and workplace committee. The 8th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural material national symposium 2002. Light colour structure the 9th aiccm book, paper and photograph materials symposium will be held in canberra at the national gallery of australia from 10th12th october 2016. Accompanying workshops will be held in various canberra locations from th 15th october 2016.
The magazines largely date from between 1905 and 1907. The programme for the 7th book, paper and photographic materials symposium to be held at the state library of queensland from the 29th 31st august 2012 is now available on the aiccm website. Pdf kinetic study of nonreactive iron removal from iron. The 7th book, paper and photographic materials symposium will be held in brisbane at the state library of queensland from the 29th31st august 2012. The department of english at byu sponsors an annual english symposium. Preprints en 9th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium. The program attracted 21 professional conservators from australia and new zealand. This exciting event will be held in canberra at the national gallery of australia from 10th12th october 2016. Proceedings of the international conference on conservation of stone and earthen. Aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium, 2008, 8189. Insideoutside new zealand book symposium presentation on historical. Andrea wise, senior paper conservator, national gallery of australia.
Results indicated that a large proportion of lignin was present in all samples and that the paper fibres were a mixture of chemical and mechanical groundwood. Aiccm symposium 2006, conservation of paper, books and photographic materials. Following the symposium, workshops are being held in various locations across canberra from 15 october. Light colour structurethe 9th aiccm book, paper and photograph materials symposium. Paper cowritten with richard vines, gavan mccarthy and chris kirk.
The aiccm book and paper sig, photon and the conservation framing sig invite you to attend the 8th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural material 20042014. Over these long periods of time the latent deposit can initiate a darkening of the paper. C, for long periods of time, usually several days or weeks. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural material aiccm. The fourth national symposium of the aiccm book and paper, photo and conservation framing special interest groups will take place at te papa tongarewa museum of new zealand, wellington, new zealand, 1921 april 2006. Camielle fitzmaurice book and paper conservator national. Kinetic study of nonreactive iron removal from irongall. The aiccm is the professional organisation for conservators in australia. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural material. Aiccm, it was designed exclusively for member attendees of the 7th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium. Wet treatments of works of art on paper with rigid gellan gels. Byu english symposium english brigham young university.
Vidler, k 2016 board reattachment techniques for small bindings. View daisy todd ma bahons s profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. Conservation of paper, books and photographic materials. Using caoh2 as alternative support for an egyptian coptic. Book, paper and photographs conservation today can encompass a broad range of associated materials including film, sound and new media. Treacy the conservation profession is forever evolving, particularly in the area of contemporary art, which. Review of the 9th aiccm book, paper and photographic. Light, colour, structure the 9th aiccm book, paper and. Kinetic study of nonreactive iron removal from irongall inks. Australia icomos enews australia icomos email news no. Light colour structure the 9th aiccm book, paper and. This represents a moderate yellowing pith cells have little lignin6 compared with printed books of similar age. Bibilographic of australia and new zealand conference presentation on historical bindings 2014. Aiccm book paper and photograph materials oct 2016.
Presented my research, carried out at the national museum of australia, on the response of iron gall inks to light exposure in air and under anoxic conditions and at various rhs. The first 3 days were given over to presentation of papers. Emeritus curator of asian art jackie menzies, art gallery nsw 2016 art appreciation lecture series emperor qianlong. Presentation to the national library of singapore, singapore, 25th may, 2018. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural material national symposium 2004. The conference will cover areas like elements are also the key factors which influence how objects are seen and displayed and. Australian institute for the conservation of cultural material 1988 2016.
Citation titlecontributions to the 5th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium australian war memorial, canberra 2335 july 2008 prue mckay and alana treasure eds author1australian institute for the conservation of cultural material. Leah williams preservation technician state library of. The results showed that the use of a dilute solution of calcium phytate to wash the impregnated paper strips removed. Using caoh2 as alternative support for an egyptian. View tegan anthes profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. The 8th aiccm book, paper and photographic materials symposium held in sydney at the art gallery of new south wales, 7th9th may 2014 icomcc melbourne 2014. This article was originally given as a paper at the melbourne symposium, frame.
You could even use glue to stiffen the train of your wedding dress. Victorian museum awards 2016 entry deadline extended. Use of microct to visualise the 3d structure of pith paper. A second washing of the paper strips after an accelerated ageing, showed a. Aiccm book and paper conference audiovisual presentation on watermarks 2016. Aiccm book, paper, and photographic materials symposiums. Oct 29, 2016 this article was originally given as a paper at the melbourne symposium, frame. The first british glue patent was issued in about 1750 but, closer to home, the new zealand glue company had been operating in woolsten, christchurch since before 1875. Accompanying workshops will be held in various canberra locations from th15th october 2016.
Early bird registration fees are applicable until the 31st july 2012. Aiccm book paper and photograph materials symposium. Managing acquisitions of heritage collections in the state library of nsw. Please join us at melbourne museum for four days of conversation and presentations, tuesday 20. Book and paper conservation, book repair, rare book conservation, archive. Characterization of haku maki prints from the poem series using lightbased. Samples were selected to represent the range of different paper types. These more modern glue ads offered descriptions for an array of craft and knickknack projects, from instructions for smartening ones umbrella by gluing a bottle cap to it evening post 16041938. The powder could be later mixed with water and cooked until the desired thickness was obtained history of glue 2016. For the removal of excess iron from paper strips impregnated with inks 1 and 2, a treatment was run with calcium phytate solution using 0.
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